
Attendance Reporting

Contacting our Attendance Team

Each grade has specific team members to aid in attendance. Please contact them if you know your child will be absent. Please always include this information in the subject line on all emails:

  • Your child’s Full Name

  • Student ID number, also known as OSIS. (Student ID number or OSIS begins with 2 or 1 NOT 8)

  • Please allow 48 hours for an individual response.

6th Grade:

Loretta Mangano -

Zenaida DeJesus -

7th Grade:

Rosie LoCascio -

Carmen Bitar -

8th Grade:

Yinorah Varela -

Amy Diaz -

Attendance and Reporting

We are required to track all absences. To streamline this process, we are asking all families to report ALL absences on this form: REPORT AN ABSENCE/LATENESS FORM.

The attendance requirement from The New York City Department of Education obligates all students to maintain a 90% attendance record. This means that a student may not be absent for more than (18) days during the school year, which equates to 2 days per month. For children to be successful, they need to be present in school and actively engage in learning.

Attendance Guidlines

What do I do when my student is absent or late?

Using the Attendance form is the BEST way to report an absence or lateness. Our Attendance Secretary works from the form responses to manually update each student’s record.

How is attendance taken?

Attendance is taken each morning by your child’s homeroom teacher.

How to get an excused absence or lateness

  • If a student is out of school for 3 days or longer, the parent/guardian will need to provide supporting documentation explaining the reason for the absence.

  • If a student is sick or not feeling well for 1 or 2 days, simply fill out the Attendance form, no note is needed.

How to document an absence

The following types of documents can be uploaded into the Attendance Form to excuse absences or lateness:

  • Doctor’s Visit note documenting illness/office visit

  • School Tour note confirming participation

  • Competition Letter of Attendance confirmed by organization

  • Official MTA transportation alert with date and time notification  (Note: Heavy traffic or inclement weather is NOT or Excused unless confirmed by the Chancellor's Office.

  • Family vacations are not excused absences.

Attendance reporting

Parents/guardians should log into their NYC Schools account to see attendance. The NYC Schools account does not indicate excused absences. The system reports on whether a student is in the school building, or not. Our Attendance Secretary can provide you with an attendance report which provides information on BOTH excused and unexcused absences. If your child has a large number of absences or lateness, and there is an extenuating circumstance, you can request that their Guidance Counselor writes a letter to explain the circumstance. 

Please encourage your child (children) to check in with our Attendance Secretary in the Main Office when they (or you) have questions about their attendance record. 

All attendance corrections must be made during the school year.

Once the school year ends, corrections can not be made. We recommend looking at your child’s attendance every month. Contact our Attendance Secretary if corrections or explanations are needed.

Please do not wait until June to correct attendance for the entire school year!