School Leadership Team

All New York State public schools have a School Leadership Team (SLT). MS 577 SLT is a proactive team of parents, teachers, a middle school student representative, and administrators whose purpose is to facilitate communication and involvement among all members of the MS 577 community. 


We will strive to enrich the academic and emotional development of each child. We need to speak freely and discuss ideas that will best fit the needs of all students. We must ensure equity and excellence for all learners. Through the rigorous academic program, dedicated teachers, and committed community members, our students will be college and career readiness. 

Our goal is to work collaboratively as parents, teachers, students and administrators to improve the academic and social development of our children to benefit the needs of our children. All team members are to be actively involved in the decision making process and solve problems that lead to consensus-based decisions. The School Leadership Team meetings focus on acquiring the best possible educational plan, and keeping a safe, happy, and healthy school environment. A key measure of the success of the School Leadership Team is that the members, including a representative from our student government, are expected to communicate information to his or her consultants and equally listen to each other. The School Leadership Team may not violate the confidentiality rights of students or parents.  The team may not discuss the evaluation and/or rating of staff members or administrators.  Furthermore, the team may not violate a collective bargaining agreement, a city, state or federal law, a Department of Education policy, or regulation.

The School Leadership Team develops the school’s annual Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP), available for review in the Main Office, which sets annual goals for the school in specific areas and focuses on developing strategies for improvement. The SLT, with input from the school community, is responsible for evaluating the quality of our school’s educational programs and their effects on student achievement. The SLT is also responsible for ensuring that the school budget supports the goals set forth in the CEP. If you have a comment or question, please email Mrs. Stevenson

Our School Leadership Team (SLT)

The SLT is comprised of equal number of parents, to MS 577 staff members, and this year one middle school student.  The Principal, UFT Representative, and PTA President (or Co-Presidents) are automatically granted positions on the SLT. Five of the parent member positions are elected and three of the MS 577 faculty member positions are elected. Parent members are elected to two-year terms. The SLT parent elections are held in the spring following the Parent Teacher Association elections.

See the school Calendar to see SLT meeting days and times.

M.S. 577 SLT Members

Maria Masullo - Principal

Karen Stevenson - Assistant Principal

Thomas Bolan - UFT Representative

Virginia Vu - PTA President

Monika Tor - Parent

Anna Mojsiewicz - Parent

Lisa Plascoff - Parent

Ivelisse Arroyo - Parent

Damaris Lopez - Parent

Jennifer Isca - Teacher

Marybeth Peterman - Teacher

Zachary Paull - Teacher