M.S.577 PTA

Middle school may mark a new chapter of independence, but your support still makes a big difference. Join our PTA to help nurture and empower our students through these crucial years. We welcome you with open arms. Your voice, your ideas, and your support matters!

Our Mission

MS577’s Parent Teacher Association supports your public school students in partnership with the administration and community to enhance our student’s learning experience and social growth.

Our Goals

  • Engage with MS577’s families and community to support our students for academic success through middle school and beyond

  • Fundraise to meet gaps in the school budget to enhance student life at MS577 including sports teams, water filters, social events, etc

  • Be the voice of our student families, caregivers, and community to ensure MS577 continues to optimize our students’ academic experience

We Need YOU!

We need the generous support of our MS577 families, parents, and caregivers to deliver on our Mission and Goals.  Your students need YOU to care about their day-to-day life at school and to participate (as much as you can) to show them how important their education and growth is to YOU.

  • Please attend our monthly meetings and family events with your student

  • Please contribute towards the PTA dues (suggested donation per family = $50)

  • Please volunteer your time (whenever you are able) to have a meaningful presence in your student’s academic experience

  • Please join the PTA Board via annual elections

We look forward to partnering with YOU to do our best for all our students!

2024-25 PTA Elected Board Members

Virginia Vu-Matthews, President

Lisa Plascoff, Vice President

Monika Tor, Treasurer

Anna Mojsiewicz, Recording Secretary

Damaris Fernandez, Corresponding Secretary

PRESIDENT:  The president shall preside at all meetings of the association and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.  The president shall appoint chairpersons of association committees with the approval of the executive board.  The president shall delegate responsibilities to other association members and shall encourage meaningful participation in all parent and school activities.  The president shall attend all regular meetings of the president’s council and shall be a mandatory member of the school leadership team.  The president shall meet regularly with the executive board members in accordance with the bylaws to plan the agendas for the general membership meetings.  The president shall be one of the eligible signatories on checks.  The president shall assist with the June transfer of association records to the incoming executive board.

VICE PRESIDENT: The Co- or Vice President shall assist the president and shall assume the president’s or co-president’s duties in his/her or their absence or at the president’s or co-president’s request.  The Vice President shall be one of the signatories on all checks.  The Vice President shall assist with the June transfer of association records to the incoming executive board.  Co- Vice President in the event that the association elects co- Vice Presidents, must decide who will serve as the president’s council member and who will serve as the mandatory member of the school leadership team when in place of the President.

RECORDING SECRETARY:  The recording secretary shall record minutes at all association meetings.  The recording secretary’s responsibilities shall include the preparation of notices, agendas, sign-in sheets and materials for distribution with regard to PTA meetings.  The recording secretary will submit all necessary forms for PTA meetings to the corresponding secretary in a timely manner and according to bylaws so copies can be made and distributed to the membership.  The recording secretary shall prepare and read the minutes of each association meeting and shall distribute copies of the minutes at the next scheduled meeting for review and approval by the general membership.  The recording secretary shall maintain custody of the association’s records on the school's premises.  The recording secretary shall incorporate all amendments into the bylaws and shall ensure that signed copies of the bylaws with the latest amendments are on file in the principal’s office.  The recording secretary shall be responsible for reviewing, maintaining, and assisting with the responses to all correspondence addressed to the association with the corresponding secretary.  The recording secretary shall assist with the June transfer of all association records to the incoming executive board.

TREASURER:  The treasurer shall be responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the association.  The treasurer shall also be responsible for maintaining an updated record of all income and expenditures on school premises and shall be one of the signatories on checks.  The treasurer shall adhere to and implement all financial procedures established by the association.  The treasurer shall prepare and present a written report of all transactions at every executive board and general membership meeting.  This report must include income, refunds, reimbursements and other expenditures, and opening and closing balances for the reporting period.  The treasurer shall also prepare the association’s interim and annual financial reports.  The treasurer shall make available all books and financial records for viewing by members upon request and for audit.  The treasurer shall also assist the June transfer of all association records to the incoming executive board.  The treasurer will also be responsible for forwarding all financial records and information needed to the PTA accountant for timely tax filing due to the PTA’s tax exemption status.

CO-CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES:  Corresponding Secretaries are responsible for typing any and all correspondence and making copies of any correspondence to be sent out to the membership, such as meeting forming agendas, notices, fundraising events, etc.  Copies can be made in school.  Corresponding secretary will also maintain social media sites i.e., Facebook, Instagram, PTA website and email.  All informative sites should be maintained on a biweekly basis to keep the membership informed of upcoming calendars and events.  All questions submitted by social media or by email should be responded to within 48 hours after coordinating a response with the PTA president, Vice President and recording secretary.  If necessary, the Principal and Vice Principal should be asked for input on any matters of importance before a response is sent.

M.S.577 Parents Learning CPR in the auditorium
M.S.577 Students at the school carnival
Botanical Garden Workshop at MS577
M.S.577 Students Visiting Intrepid Museum