Parent Coordinator

Our Parent Coordinator works closely with teachers, guidance counselors, school staff, the school leadership team, the PTA, community groups, and the parent advisory councils to engage families and support all M.S. 577 students. The Parent Coordinator assists with identifying concerns that families may express and works with the M.S. 577 team to ensure that any concerns are addressed in a timely manner.

The best way to reach the Parent Coordinator is by email Mrs. Locascio at or at (718)-486-6211. Please bring any concerns, questions, or issues to their attention — and they will direct you to the proper channels for support.

NYC Schools Account

Every parent should sign up for a NYC Schools account. This system provides information on their child’s performance, including grades, attendance, and contact information on file at the school. To set up an account, please visit NYC Schools Account (NYCSA). You will need your child’s Student ID number (which you can find on their report card) as well as an Account Creation Code. If you have more than one student, you can add other students to your account using each student’s unique Account Creation Code. Please email the Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Locascio at if you do not know your Account Creation Code.